NIE Number

In Spain, the “Número de Identificación de Extranjero” (NIE) is an identification number for foreigners who live, work, or have other connections to Spain, such as wanting to purchase property there. It is comparable to the tax or social security number in other countries and is issued by the Spanish police. Here are the key […]

New Broker Law in Mallorca!

Many in the real estate industry in Mallorca had already given up hope that the planned regulation of brokers in the Balearic Islands would ever be implemented. However, now, with the passing of the emergency law to combat the housing crisis on Tuesday (16.4.2024), the regulation is actually being introduced. This comes after four years […]

New legal situation: Illegal rural properties in Mallorca to be legalized retroactively!

After lengthy debates and thorough legal reviews, the government of Mallorca has decided to introduce a new regulation for the legalization of illegal properties in rural areas or parts of existing properties on the island. This groundbreaking measure is intended to benefit the owners of illegally constructed buildings, local authorities, and the entire community. The […]

Golf: More than just a sport – A passion that connects!

Mallorca is not only known for its beautiful houses and apartments, which you can find in our portfolio, but also for its breathtaking landscape, rich culture, and stunning beaches. But besides these attractions, the island also offers some of the best golf courses in Europe. Golf enthusiasts from all over the world flock to Mallorca […]

Modern Real Estate Marketing in Mallorca – Information for Sellers

This year, too, we will work with full manpower to successfully sell your property in Mallorca. To do this as effectively as possible, we would like to sensitise you to the topic of modern real estate marketing and to how the search and buying behavior of customers has changed over the last few years, and […]

Significant Increase in the Tax Allowance for Wealth Tax on Mallorca

Significant Increase in the Tax Allowance for Wealth Tax on MallorcaThe Balearic government is raising the tax allowance for wealth tax on Mallorca and the neighboring islands from 700,000 euros to three million euros. This adjustment aligns the allowance for this regional tax with that of the Spanish “wealth tax,” resulting in assets up to […]

The Additional Purchase Costs When Buying Real Estate in Mallorca

When buying property on Mallorca, it’s especially important to consider and calculate the acquisition taxes, namely the property transfer tax or value-added tax, and the stamp duty. More on this below in the text.In addition to the acquisition taxes, there are other additional purchase costs such as for the notary, land registry, gestoría, and possibly […]

Patron Saint Festivals in Mallorca

In Mallorca, numerous patron saint festivals are celebrated, often closely linked to the religious traditions of the island and local Mallorcan customs. These festivals are highlights for tourists and visitors from other countries, and a visit to these celebrations is always worthwhile. Here are some of the most important patron saint festivals in Mallorca: This […]

How Reliable are Land Registry Entries? (Registration of Structures without Building Permit)

Eine absolut grundlegende Frage beim Kauf einer Immobilie in Spanien betrifft die Legalität der Aufbauten. Sind alle Gebäude ordnungsgemäß im Grundbuch eingetragen? Jeder potenzielle Käufer ist beruhigt zu wissen, dass die tatsächlichen Bauwerke vollständig und rechtmäßig im Grundbuch verzeichnet sind. Dies wird auch von den Beratern bestätigt. Sowohl in Spanien als auch in Deutschland gilt […]

The Spanish Wealth Tax 2023: What Changes and How It Affects the Wealth Tax

Als Ende September 2022 die spanische Regierungskoalition ihr Steuerpaket für 2023 vorstellte, überraschte das niemanden, da es den üblichen jährlichen Vorgehensweisen entsprach. Die geplanten Änderungen wurden wie gewohnt in den Entwurf des Staatshaushalts (Presupuestos Generales del Estado) für 2023 aufgenommen und Ende des Jahres 2022 veröffentlicht (Ley 31/2022, de 23 de diciembre, de Presupuestos Generales […]

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